career transition and life coaching for physicians

Why Dr. M is Unique

Dr Peter Moskowitz SEAK-1Career transition and life coaching is a personal, private process. You deserve to know something about the person you’d be working so closely with and what sets that coach’s personality and process apart from others you could choose instead. Here, mostly in his own words, are nine points about who Peter Moskowitz is, how he thinks and how he works.

A physician with real-world medical experience

The Center for Professional and Personal Renewal (CPPR) is directed by Peter Moskowitz, MD, a radiologist who is a staff pediatric radiologist and Clinical Professor of Radiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. I have an up-to-the minute perspective on the many issues and challenges facing physicians in the trenches,” says Peter. “I have worked 19 years in a big city general hospital private practice, and 22 years at one of the country’s premier academic training centers. This extensive experience in both the academic and private sectors of American medicine means I not only understand the realities, but also know how to work effectively with physicians in both academic and private practice.”

A colleague who has faced the same doubts and dilemmas

Peter specializes in coaching other healthcare professionals not just because he has firsthand experience in facing their particular challenges in today’s difficult medical environment. He also chose this focus because he has also felt similar frustration, self-doubt and confusion and struggled through the same kind of troubling time that most of his clients are going through. “Burnout, marital stress, career uncertainty — I’ve been through those fires myself and come out the other side, healed and whole,” he says, “I can help you with what I have learned. Who else is in a better position to address your needs and to understand your point of view?”

A candid, genuine person who walks the talk

“I have been through three career transitions in the past,” says Peter. “All three were carefully planned with specific action steps, timelines and support systems. In this process, I voluntarily reduced my practice income by 70% and have not only survived, but now enjoy a far more satisfying life. I am proud of and excited about my work, and I walk my talk. I can coach you in ways to maximize your potential for happiness, too.”

A specialist in helping healthcare professionals

Since 1997, Peter has helped hundreds of physicians and other healthcare professionals, including physicians, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, medical students, interns, residents and fellows. He has helped them work through turmoil and indecision affecting both their personal and professional lives. He coaches clients individually in private sessions, in person and by phone, and online using SKYPE, and presents workshops. “My clients come from all clinical arenas, including private group practice, private solo practice, academic practice and industry,” he says.

A recognized authority on medical career issues

“I conduct research and publish articles on the career issues of physicians. My writing keeps me informed and current and puts me in a better position to serve as an advocate for my fellow physicians at the local, state and national levels.” Dr. Moskowitz is also on the first-call list of reporters to interview for stories about career issues in medicine, fighting stress and burnout, and alternative careers for doctors.

A continual learner with top-tier training

“Not all coaches are created or trained equally,” he adds. Peter’s certification in Professional and Organization Coaching comes from the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara, the leading coach training program in the U.S., where he spent two years studying and continues to study. “I am engaged in continuous learning. This is one of the secrets of career resilience, and I will help you find more fulfilling ways of learning and really looking forward to it again, too.”

A teacher with empathy

“I am actively involved in the teaching and training of new physicians. I understand the conflicting demands made on students and house officers as they struggle to live, learn and have a life.”

A spiritual seeker

“My workshops and coaching are recognized not only for their practical value and ability to rejuvenate healthcare professionals,” Peter explains, “but for how effective they are in reconnecting physicians with their inner, core values, in feeling a sense of purpose again, and in finding and honoring the right balance for them. Reconnecting to one’s spirit is a crucial step towards personal renewal.”

An individualist

“I am a non-traditional, out-of-the-box thinker. Don’t you want a coach who can see things from your perspective, but also help you see your situation from other perspectives and think more creatively about more possibilities?”

You’ll find details about Peter’s credentials by following the links below, and you can find out more about how invididual coaching sessions work and what clients say about results in other sections.

Contact Dr. Moskowitz

  Address: Center for Professional & Personal Renewal 555 Bryant Street Suite 160 Palo Alto, CA 94301

  Phone: (650) 329 - 0297

  Web: Center for Professional and Personal Renewal

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